Life Style

Dear 2016 Me


Hello 2016 me,

This year hasn’t been wonderful but it hasn’t been bad either. Now is a time to reflect and to figure out what we want to do better in the new year.

  1. Become more patient
    This year, you met a lot of ignorant people. You sat through many ignorant comments and I’m proud of you for not screaming at these people or stabbing them/yourself with a fork. You need to learn to be more patient though. Some people are ignorant because they don’t now any better. Not everyone has had the same experiences as you, and they may not be exposed to what you have been. Be patient with them, and give them the benefit of the doubt.He loves you. Be patient with him. Don’t get angry when he doesn’t understand something. You will only ever push him away when you do.
  2. Get your dream job
    After you graduated from university, you felt like you weren’t equipped for the job that you wanted to pursue. You’re graduating in April, so now is the time to get over that hump. Get over the fear that you won’t find a job. APPLY, APPLY, APPLY. No more complacency! Stop settling, and go after what you want for yourself and your future.
  3. Grow the blog
    You know that you’re sitting on something good. No one is probably even reading this article, but it’s time to to grow. You’ve been gradually getting there, so go after it! Network with other bloggers, go to events, reach out to companies for sponsorship. You can do this, I believe in you. It’s time to believe in yourself.
  4. Be nicer to your family
    Your family is there for you. You might not always agree with them, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t appreciate them all of the time. Try to see their side, and when you get frustrated with them just walk away.
  5. Please exercise more.
    Let’s be honest, we felt our best when we were one size smaller. YES, it’s stupid. YES, everyone wants to loose weight as a new year’s resolution. We felt healthier though when we were one size smaller, we felt sexy, and confident and that gave us so much drive to do more. The goal? we’re going to take some sexy blog photos at the beach summer 2017.
  6. Take time for yourself to learn something
    We started coding, we started that 48 hour blog thing, but we never finished it. This year, we are going to finish learning Listen to your heart with its 2 key changes and all. Finish learning HTML. Finish that blog thing. We are going to once again perfect macarons. You’re a smart girl, never stop learning.
  7. Read more
    One of the things that you love to do, is read. You get so invested in the characters and in the plot that you physically can’t do anything for a week if the book is that amazing. Find more beautiful books. I have this goal for like 2020 Tiffany, when she moves out and is furnishing her home. I want for her to have this beautiful book shelf with her favourite books. We have The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the Harry Potter series, the Percy Jackson Series, The Night Circus, De Niro’s Game, The Penelopiad, Life of Pi and more for our future shelf. Let’s keep building it. There are so many beautiful books out there, and we haven’t even found them yet.
  8. Love your friends more
    I have some of the most amazing friends in the world. They’re beautiful, and wonderful and you love them. Don’t forget to keep reminding the just how much you love them.


These are the goals 2016 Tiffany. Go get them.