Life Style

How to Get Over a Boy


It’s been a long time since I’ve had to get over a Boy. Believe me when I say, that I have had my share of binge watching How I Met Your Mother (looking for a deeper meaning in life), and crying to my best friend.


Whether you just went through a break up, or you found out your crush isn’t crushing back; you will get through this. One step at a time.

Here are some helpful tips that I have figured out over the years.

Tip #1: Stay Sober

No matter how much it hurts, you will look back and realize just how stupid the boy was that you were drinking or over him. Also, it seems VERY embarrassing when you look back. Trust me on this one.

If you do want to drink your woes away, surround yourself with sober friends who will grab the phone away when you want to “drunk text” or “drunk call” the boy. If you really need to party your woes away, just make sure you have an extremely understanding friend who will watch out for you and not judge you.

Tip #2: Give yourself a timeline.

It sounds harsh, but give yourself a timeline to get over a guy. Don’t give yourself a year; that’s ridiculous. Give yourself a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 6 months (that depends on how long you were involved and how strong your feelings are). Say it out loud with me.

“I am only allowed to be sad about (Insert Boy’s Name) for (Insert a time limit in months).

If you give yourself a timeline it really gives you a goal to aim for. If you keep putting it off, you’ll never get over them.

Tip #3: Binge watch a series

When we get our hearts broken, it’s pretty hard to think about anything else. I found binge watching a series was the best way to make me feel better. I found series with 30 minute episodes to work the best. They’re short enough that you can get through the series without giving you that nasty head ache from staring at a screen all day.

I had my heart broken so badly one time that I had to have the tv on in the background while I did homework to mega distract my mind from wandering to the boy.

I suggest: How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Brooklyn Nine Nine.

Each show kind of gives you a different feel for perspective.

Tip #4: Tell Yourself You’re Pathetic.

WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? You know what really made me get over a guy one time? One of my best friends told me that the way I was pining over an ex was, well…pretty pathetic. It hurt to hear it, but he was Totally right!

When I removed myself from the situation and looked at it under a microscope I realized that I was not myself. I let some guy dictate how I saw myself. I thought I wasn’t pretty enough, I wasn’t smart enough, and I wasn’t skinny enough. I let someone not returning my affections morph me into someone who was acting pathetic and not the bad ass that I am.

I ended up learning how to apply make up, I ended up hitting the gym. I did things to make myself feel better on the outside so I could feel confident. Is it superficial? HELL TO THE YES. But that’s what gave me confidence, so you do you.

Tip #5: Flirt


You might not be in the mood, but when you see another cute guy, don’t let him get away. You flirt your cute little butt off. It gives you so much confidence and it helps you not take yourself too seriously. Just have a good time. When you flirt, and that other person flirts back DAMN does it feel good.

DO NOT however bring them home. Don’t go looking for a rebound guy, now THAT you will regret. Even if you do meet a good guy to date through flirting, don’t go for the guy who takes flirting as a sexy time invitation.

Tip #6: Find a book, or a movie and commit to the life lesson.

You can pull an Eat Pray Love, or you can be like Lorelei Gilmore and try the book version of The Wild. I usually read The Perks of Being a Wallflower. That’s my book for any big sad life event. It makes me look at life differently and in another perspective. It makes me cry, and it makes me think.

Book Suggestions: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Night Circus, This is Where I Leave You, Life of Pi

DO NOT  read teen romance novels. They’re all big font, little context. It will just make you revert back to feeling pathetic because Bella had two mythical creatures fighting over her, and you couldn’t get the boy.

Tip #7: Pull a Ted Mosby, make a pros and cons list

Make a list, but about yourself. What don’t you like about you in this current state of heart break? Example: I don’t like that I cry everywhere

Make a list of your pros to remind yourself that you are wonderful. Start with physical characteristics and then move onto emotional characteristics so that it’s easier.

Look at your cons section and write an action to fix this con next to it in red pen. Transfer these actions onto another paper, decorate it and stick it a mirror. Accomplish the actions and you are back on your way to being a bad ass b*tch.

Tip #8: Listen to this playlist

I have compiled a mix of happy and sad songs so that you slowly release your sadness in short bursts and dosages.

Heart break Play List



You know why, you want to buy expensive make up? THAT SHIT IS EXPENSIVE.

B*tch. NO ONE HAS TIME TO CRY WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO SAVE YOUR $30 mascara. When I had my heart broken for the first time, I bought some expensive eyeliner. Guess what? It deterred me from crying. I didn’t want to look like a racoon in public, and I certainly did not want to waste my expensive product.

Tip #10: Tell yourself you are a LADY BOSS


When you think that you’re hot stuff, you feel hot. So, “You go Glen Coco!” and wear a bod con, wear a bold red lip, and rock your sass. This will either result in 1) making the boy regret he ever over looked you or 2) making you realize that he wasn’t even hot stuff, because you’re way hotter.

Just to dove tail off of buying more expensive make up. Make your face look beautiful by wearing your favourite products.


And just remember, you’ll get through this.


I’m here for you.