Fashion Fashion Articles

Casual Date Outfit


I hardly ever dress casual. I’m definitely a dressy girl. Sometimes you just want to be comfortable. I still remember back in the day when I was in Grade 5 and everyone wore their New Balance shoes and Asics with their outfits. The running shoe/sneaker trend is sneaking up on us once again. The best part though? It keeps you comfortable all day. So a pair of Asics was a must for my Queen Street West date outfit.


I started this outfit with a super comfortable black lace up shift dress . The material is an extremely soft jersey material, making this dress perfect for a hot summer day. It’s been pretty humid here in Toronto lately, so I was very thankful for the soft flowy material. 


I also like the lace up detail. It lets you feel sexy but if you feel like someone is staring at your cleavage too much, just pull it tight. It’s great for creating shape with a shift dress by giving it a little extra detailing.

Of course, I swiped on some bright red nail polish too. I love Sally Hansen’s Insta-Dri nail polish. I have a few of them, and they really do dry fast! The colours are also extremely saturated, so one coat and you’re good to go. The only thing that you have to be careful about is that if you don’t use an industrial top coat, you’ll find red streaks all over your white paper and walls.


Of course, every girl needs a pair of shades. Papa Kwong is a firm believer in investment pieces. For items that you’re going to be wearing a lot like sunglasses or winter jackets (we’re Canadian…a good winter jacket is the importanté), you want to make sure that you are buying something that is good quality.


I borrowed these sunglasses from my sister because I had misplaced mine.  I’m wearing over sized Gucci sunglasses. I like an over sized pair of sunglasses because I can’t be bothered to look over, under, and between the lens. I just want something that goes directly over my eyes, and covers it.


I’m a sucker for bags that hold all of my shit. My mom calls them my “chicken bag” because it’s big enough to hold a chicken. Bucket bags are very in right now, and I love the special metallic blue of this bag. 



How do you ASIC? I love my new ASIC Gel-Kayano 22’s. These bad boys have support not only in the heel area, but also where your toes sit. I actually managed to go through my entire adventure date without complaining about how tired I am! My knees have never felt better. Of course, the colour helps add personality to a black outfit, and matches my bag.


Of  course, I never leave the house without swiping on some lipstick. I’ve been obsessed lately with NYX Cosmetics. They have a store on Queen Street West now, and I picked up some more lipsticks on the day of. I spoke to a friend who is a makeup artist and she told me that the ingredients in NYX really does make it a professional brand. They sell it to you at such a competitive price because they don’t put too much into packaging. This is awesome! I’m paying for lipstick, not the packaging. 


Im wearing NYX Cosmetics Matte Lipstick in Bloody Mary. It actually tells you on the website that it’s a blue toned lipstick. Blue toned reds make your teeth whiter. Gotta match those nails.


I never thought I would be the type of girl to wear sneakers out, especially on a date. Sometimes, we have to look outside our comfort zone, to be comfortable.

Beauty doesn’t always have to be pain.

-XOXO The Picky Princess-