Life Style

Happy Halloween 2018


Sushi Dog and Sushi Girl Halloween costume

Happy Halloween 2018! This year, Parker and I decided to dress up as matching sushi.

I got really lucky and was able to find some orange fabric on discount at the fabric store! This fabric has really cool cutout sections in it that allows you to see through it.

sushi costume dog and girl

My mom was worried about using a pillow or padding, in case it would be too heavy for dog. What we did was we created a pillow out of bubble wrap. My mom helped with sewing a cute little pillow case out of the orange fabric. We then lined the inside of the pillow with white tissue paper. This way, it creates a cool effect similar to how a real piece of salmon would look like.

Sushi Girl and Sushi dog costume

My mom helped me McGyver the sushi bands, with an existing reusable burlap bag we already had. Parker’s belt is made from the bag’s handles. Everything is secured into place with velcro.

Lastly, my headband wasabi and gingers are made out of felt that I had cut and sewed together.

Happy Halloween everyone!