Life Style

How to Gift like a Mother F*ing Boss


If you ask my friend Ciarian, he will tell you that I am the QUEEN of Birthday Gifts!

I’m extremely meticulous when it comes to gifting because I love seeing people’s faces light up, because I want them to know that they are appreciated.

With Christmas coming up, gifting can become hectic, so let the Queen of Gifting help you out!

Let’s start out by telling you how much I hate Christmas. My brother calls me the Christmas Grinch. Don’t get me wrong, I love gifting, and holiday cookies but I’m probably just too cynical to love holidays. So this is me…being “festive”.

Step #1: Make a list of who you are gifting to! 

Gifting is like Facebook Friend cleansing. Sometimes you go through your friends list and realize you really aren’t friends anymore. If a Birthday notification for them pops up on your feed and you don’t even feel like wishing them a Happy Birthday, it’s time to remove them. Same goes for your gifting list. Why are the both of you stressing yourselves out giving gifts to each other if you don’t even talk?

I separate my gift receivers in categories to make it easier on myself. I also make an excel document…I mean what girl doesn’t?

Step #2: Set a Budget

If you have to gift to a lot of people for Christmas set a budget. If you can’t narrow your “gifting-to” list down, split up your friends, coworkers, and family up into different budget categories.

Step#3: Do your research

My undergrad was pretty damn research heavy.  I’ve gotten pretty good at staring at a screen for hours, and hunting down the juicy information. There are several ways that you can do your research, but starting in person is the best way. Really listen to the person you are trying to gift to and see if they mention any TV shows that they really like, or if they’re really into reading a certain book (hint hint. I like books! Send some my way!), or maybe they have hobby like baking and they just really want that certain spatula. A perfect gift doesn’t have to be over the top, it just has to be something they will personally like.

If you don’t see them often, social media stalk them. You know how you “searched up” your exes’ new S.O? Use those super sleuth skills to find out what they like. Minus 1 creepy point from the information you got, and go gifting. Don’t buy them a T-shirt of a camel because they mentioned it once…6 months ago.

When in doubt, ask their friends. If you have mutual friends, see if you can go splitsies on a bigger gift you know the receiver will want.

Step #4: Tailor the gift to them

Again, not all gifts have to be balls to the walls. If you get someone something useful that they can use, and you know that they like then that’s awesome. For example, if you know that your friend really likes all things vanilla, get her a vanilla candle from Bath and Body Works so she can smell and lavish in the scent all of the time. If you know that your friend is constantly worried about buying the perfect red lipstick, get her a set from NYX Cosmetics so she can try different shades.

For birthdays if I don’t have time to get a classmate a gift, I’ll pick up a cake pop from Starbucks. However, I knew that my friend Ciarian would probably appreciate a red velvet and sugar cookie from Tim Horton’s instead, so that’s what I got him. People just like to know that you’re thinking about them. Even the generic can be made special.


Nothing says, “I don’t give a f*ck about you.” more than an unwrapped gift. What are you, a savage? Go to the dollar store, pick up some wrapping paper and wrap your damn gift. The dollar store also has nice paper bags. I bought a bunch of bright solid coloured ones for all occasions.

Or go to a store like Crab Tree and Evelyn where they have special Christmas packaging, and do the wrapping for you.

Better yet? Go to one of the stations in the mall and do a good deed at the same time. The proceeds go to charity or to the community.

When in doubt, ask mom. I ask mom.

*Mom has a Picky Princess approval rating of 5 crowns out of 5*

Step #6: Hand deliver your gifts

If at all possible, hand deliver your gifts. It makes the gifting so much more personal and all of that trouble you went through seems kind of worth it when you make someone else smile.

Step #7: Pour some Captain Morgan into your eggnog.

Enjoy the Freaking Holidays you Mother F*ing Gifting Boss.

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