Life Style

I’m Pissed.


I have this personal rule that you never write angry. I just don’t think that it’s professional. Well you know what? Screw that. I’m pissed.

Last night right before I was supposed to post my daily music monday to Instagram, I found out someone tried to log into my account from Vietnam. I finally jumped through hoops to get myself back into my account. I post what is usually my most successful post of the week, only to find it has been liked 23 times. Not my usual 100+ likes. But 23. 

I figure it’s a fluke, so I post today. 1 like in 10 minutes. So I keep trying other photos only to realize that nothing is working. I’m so pissed. Look I don’t have a huge following. But I finally almost got to 500 followers which is an achievement for me. And now I get to see this number currently around 475 and dropping. I work so hard every day and week on my blog content and my Instagram content. Only to hear from people with a few thousand followers to complain to me about their engagement. To be met with dissapointment and non supporters.

I know I have some great friends who read my articles every week and constantly like my photos. But the truth is I can count the number of people on one hand. I’m pissed that there seems to be more haters than supporters. This makes me question whether or not I should even be blogging anymore. I love sharing my tips, and my outfits with people. But who cares if no one else does? 

You know I actually know exactly who wrote my first hater comment? His name starts with K. And his last name starts with a W. He called himself “Retard Princess” and proceeded to trash every single thing I said in my blog launch post. I’m not just pointing fingers either. The idiot bragged to my friend in a group chat, and admitted it to another. But you know the hardest part? Having a suspicion it was him but your friends didn’t tell you until a lot later. It makes you feel pretty pathetic actually. 

I am angry about a lot of things lately. I’m a lucky girl but it doesn’t mean that I go around pretending like everything is peachy. I’m angry knowing that so many people have this  misconception of me. I’m pretty nice to people, but people find that suspicious. Or they hear rumours from mean girls but aren’t nice enough themselves to ask me if they are true. I learned a long time ago that I didn’t need to be popular or to be liked by everyone. I stopped trying to fix things with people who believed rumours because I realized that if they really knew/cared for me, they wouldn’t believe what they heard. In high school this mean girl told everyone I was trying to steal her friend’s boyfriend. I found out because she called me a bitch in front of my long-time friend who defended me. He didn’t believe her rumour, because he knew what kind of person I was. 

I’ve had people apologize to me in the past after a long time of thinking the worst in me. I used to accept apologies and welcome them back into my life. Now I no longer do so. Instead I say, “Thank you for the apology.” I then leave it at that. I don’t need people in my life who hurt me, and think they deserve second chances. I’m happy that they know the truth, but it doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t just believe it the first time. People who hurt you, usually will again. 

So yes. I’m hurt right now and probably no one is even reading this post. I am angry. I am so incredibly angry right now. Hard work, doesn’t always pay off. Sometimes it’s the luck of the draw and I’m drawing the short stick. I have a lot of anger pent up in me, and I just need a release.