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Today was a super long and tiring day. We started off with a flag raising ceremony. It was super adorable because the school had previously held a dancing competition and they had the two second place winners perform for us! I will try to upload the videos to youtube for your viewing pleasure.It was so cute, because we were all interviewed and to be honest none of us really remembered our answers from the day before so we had our little script to cheat. I taught the kids how to say “bonjour” and on my way home some of the kids were actually saying it back to me!
While we were in school, I was showing Daro my Canada culture presentation and while I was showing lacrosse she told me they had the lacrosse stick in Thailand too….to PICK MANGOES! hahaha! Daro, Lerizze and I couldn’t stop laughing! Daro also told us about how Diana, her homestay mom told her that we should go to the bar BEFORE WE GET TOO OLD! HAHAHAHAHAH. Best line of the day.
HWEH HWEH HWEH my fat beaver and the ugly moose…Sorry…ATLEAST I CAN ROCK MY FLAG! <3
One of the teachers offered us coffee from a coffee machine that they rented recently but they were low on sugar so being super Canadian, I actually used some maple syrup candy to sweeten my coffee! I think Tims should offer maple coffee 😉 courtesy of The Picky Princess.
After school the three of us were invited to eat dinner with AIESEC NCCU and it was actually a crazy trek! I live pretty far away from the MRT while the other two live much closer to it. It is almost a 20-30 minute trek there IN HIGH HEELS. Let’s be serious, did you guys really think that I was going to leave the house in a pretty dress without pretty heels?! NOPE.
It was also my first time riding the MRT and it is so different from riding the TTC. The TTC is dirty, crowded and people commit suicide all of the time…
On the MRT there is priority seating, it’s clean, people are quiet (Lerizze and I are always the loudest people on the MRT) and they have door gates so no one DIES! yay MRT! It is also so beautiful. You know, I’ve seen paintings before of fantasy cities inside of jungles. But that is literally how Taipei looks like all of the time! It is so beautiful to ride the MRT through the city jungle.
Dinner was so awesome because we got to meet Min! AN EP FROM CANADA! I was so excited to learn that she was from Western! SHE KNOWS MY FRIENDS MY HIGHSCHOOL! yay! I love her; she is like so cool! We all click so well!
Although I do have to say, it was a little bit awkward at dinner since my buddy didn’t show up, and I’m not sure if the members were making fun of us >> AIESEC NCCU if you are reading this, I hope you aren’t! ): I felt really bad because at first I was mad that he didn’t show up! (jokingly of course) but then I learned he was sick! When he did show up I went all MommaKwong on him. I can’t help it! When you have pharmacist parents you freak out when people are sick, you bring them congee, tell them to drink water, and tuck them into bed!
Afterwards, Min, Lerizze Daro and I attempted to ride the Gondola at night, but it was getting late and we didn’t want to worry our homestay moms! So we decided to wait with Min for her bus (since she doesn’t live near us and it was her second day) and then off onto the MRT we went! It took me like 30 mins to trek all the way home. I felt so bad because my homestay family was so worried about me! They are just the sweetest people that I know.
This is us on the Fake Gondola!
Most of the toilets here are squatters!!! We all have to line up for the toilet bowl ones!
I do not plan to try this.
Yours till the Mangoes are Picked,
The Picky Princess